Artwork, Healing Experiences, Majka Earth Products & Community


Surviving Bosnian Genocide the Artist's Way

Elmira LilicComment
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Podcast Interview with Laticia Rolle, founder of GIRL WE GOT THIS Co. dives deep into Elmira’s life journey.

”One of the most powerful episodes I've done to date with my healer, Elmira; Artist, Healer, and Dealer.

Elmira shares her heart-wrenching childhood memories of growing up in the Bosnian Genocide as grenades bombed her city and snipers gazed her father's head. This episode is beyond empowering - it will make you understand what immigrants endure, their triumphs and their unparalleled resiliency. Finding ART to be her solitude, Elmira followed her passions and followed the path of the artists way in a beautiful journey of struggles and victories. I believe in angels, and Elmira is one of ours.

Her story will rock you, make you believe in yourself, and learn the power of reframing your history and making every loss a lesson. Elmira will show you how to step into your power, no matter the circumstance.”

- Laticia Rolle

Wow, sis, PRESS PLAY here

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